Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is fear? It is something that is different to everyone. Some people is it a challenge other see it as something to run from. I think that everyone has a fear of some kind it could be as little as a bug to being alone in the world. One of my biggest fears is not being able to find someone to spend my life with. I know that I have lots of friends and I will always have my family but I really want just that one person that I spend my whole life with and never have to hide who and what I am. I can always be honest with that person never in fear of what they might say or do. Having that feeling of belonging. When you have that someone you always have a drive to be better and to get better no matter what. Sometimes I feel that a lot of people take that for granted and to see what they have and how good it is til they close it then its to late to get it back. Some of them will never find it again and I don't think that they should. I think that everyone has just that one person that will make them complete and aster that person it gone you may ever find that feeling again.

Family what does it mean to you? Family to me is more then just the people that you share blood with it is also the people that is important to you in some way. I have my blood family that I love with all my heart and that will always be there for me no matter what happens in life. I have learned that is not always the case hen I come out of the closet to my family a lot of my family stopped taking to me. That hurt a lot but that is when I learned that blood does not make you family its the way and how you feel for someone. I have a few friends in my life that are more my family then anyone else in the world. They have always been by my side not matter what it was and helped me up the hill when I needed it with no ? asked. Sometimes the people in your life re there for a reason even if you don't know why yet. Just remember family is what you make it not what the family makes you.

Blood for some reason its something that I have always been drown to as along as I can remember. As I was growing up I wanted to be a blood spatter guy. I wanted to be able to walk into a crime since and till you what happened just from looking at the blood spatter. I started in high school working towards the goal of going to school for that. I took a job at the hospital working in the morege it was a great job and got to see all kinds of cool and sometimes wired things. After school I went off to college to start my schooling to work in a CSI office. It was great I loved it. I learned all this cool stuff about blood how it moves and works, about what weapons cuz what kind of wounds and how deep someone is staged just from the kind off blood is round the wound. It was going great I loved ever min it off it.

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