Monday, March 24, 2014

I will never do that again

one thing that comes to mind is i will never use a rope swing again. two summers ago i was out with some friends to a creek. we were having a lot of fun. we walked down the creek a ways to spot were everyone goes swimming at. it was a busy spot today and has we were playing around we seen a bunch of people use a rope swing so we wanted a go at it. everyone had their tune. i did it a few times myself and on my fourth time going i swung out then  hared a pop then something slammed into the top of my head just before i hit the water. as i came out of the water i could feel something a little off and everyone was looking out with a look of shock on their faces. my friends ran over to me.

Monday, March 17, 2014


So I'm looking at a photo of lizards that was done in water colors. It is a beautiful photo the color that were used are bright and bring the photo to life. The lizards look like they are standing off the paper and could just walk off the page. The way he did this is great it looks very real but the colors are something you would not see in real life on a lizard.

I would like to be back on the farm. I miss bring around the outdoors not have the  noise of the city and people around me. It one of them places where there is nothing around for miles you can't even see another house. I love it out there sitting outside on the hill behind the barn looking for the fields of corn and rows of trees. As I sit on the hill I feel the wind blowing across my body carrying with the smells of summer. I hear nothing but the brides singing and the cows off in the distance. As I sit there for hours taking all the sites, smells, sounds.

Brown and white cows, large bright green trees with the reddest of apples hanging from it branches, the tallest of corn starches that I have ever seen loaded with corn cobs

The smell of sweet summer flowers from the open fields, the slit smell of the cows from the distance, the smell of the apples from across the way that smell sweet but all bitter, the smell of the fresh cut grass, you can even small the lakes that are all over the property.

Taste!!!!!!. The sweet and juicy apples.

The feel of the soft green grass on my hands, the feel of the hard and rough bark of the tree against my back, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. The soft fluffy

Birds singing all around. The wind blowing thru the fields of corn and the rows of trees. The sounds of cows. The sound of the tractor in the field behind me. I can hear the squires fighting and playing around in the tress above me. The sound of frogs from the lake and the fishing jumping from the water.

Something  that I will always remember about this place and it always makes me think of the great joys I have had in my life. When I was 20 the guy o have been seeing for 2 years was out on the fram with me for the weekend. It was a great time for us. So I wanted to show him the place that has always been my safe place and the place that helped me find myself when I needed to. As we sit there holding hands and taking watching the sun sit. He said he has never been so happy with one person then he is with me. He told me that when he sees me it brings a smile to his faceted he went on to pull a ring from his pocket and asked me if I would be is only one for the rest of our life.

This is the one place I feel like I can be myself with nothing around me to judge me. It is the place I go to whenever I had a problem and I needed I place to go to be alone. This place has always made me feel safe and happy no matter what was going on in my life. I remember it was the place were my partner as for my hand.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ths I Believe

For ENG-101 we are doing this essay about This I Believe. It is about a credo that we have used in our life's that helped us make it through hard tikes. A credo that has helped me a lot in my life is "I am what I am". To me it means always be what you want to be not what the world wants you to be. It has helped me with  a lot of problems in my life and it still does to with day and I think it always will no matter how old I get.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Do It For Me!!!!

Do it for me. That is soothing I need to work on. I have always had this problem with doing anything and everything for other people even if its something I don't want to do or Ike to do. It has got me in trouble a few times in life that I wish tat I could take back and do over again. On the other hand there as been times were I got something out of it I had no idea would happen and has been some of the best times of my life so far. I know that I will always do anything for my family no matter what it is. That is something I know I can't change and no sure that I would want to. I want to stop helping every single person that shows up in my life. One thing I heard somewhere but can't remember where is " Put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. When the wind blows, they're over there... wind blow that way they over here... they're unstable. When the seasons change they wither and die, they're gone. That's alright. Most people are like that, they're not there to do anything but take from the tree and give shade every now and then. That's all they can do. But don't get mad at people like that, that's who they are. That's all they were put on this earth to be. A leaf.

Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with those branches too, cause they'll fool you. They'll make you think they're a good friend and they're real strong but the minute you step out there on them, they'll break and leave you high and dry.

But if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that's like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed. Those are the kind of people that aren't going nowhere. They aren't worried about being seen, nobody has to know that they know you, they don't have to know what they're doing for you but if those roots weren't there, that tree couldn't live.

A tree could have a hundred million branches but it only takes a few roots down at the bottom to make sure that tree gets everything it needs. When you get some roots, hold on to them but the rest of it... just let it go. Let folks go." Its a great way to think of people.

Friday, January 31, 2014

What if

What if.....
I was a girl
I was short
The world was flat
I could fly
I had a million dollars
Everyone had to dress the same
Cars would drive themselves
You could controls someone's mind
All states had the same laws
Animals could talk
There was no waste
You did not have to eat
You never aged after 21
You could shapeshift
You always had a 100 in your pocket

What if animals could talk? What a world that would be. You would never have any quite time ever again. You could ever do anything in front of your pets that you don't want anyone to know about. Having to watch what you say all the time. But sometimes it would be great you could always know what's going on when u are not around and who is talking about you or who is doing why they should not be doing. I think it would be really cool it hear what some people do when they think no one is around, like my mother I would over to hear what hear bird would be saying if it could talk cause she is a little on the crazy size. I also think it would be cool to go out into the woods and see what all the animals really talk about. Just think about what would the squeals be yelling when they are fighting or do all they think about is nuts and more nuts. What about that bird that is always singing what could they be singing about.

What if I was short? That would make things so easy for me. I would be able to get cloths anywhere I wanted it won't be so hard to find shoes. I would not have the back problems that I have now. It would be so nice to have to worry about a car being to small. But on the other hand their are things that I would not be able to do like right now I can get anything down from  the shelf at the store. I don't get lost in the crowed people can always see me. I would not be as different as I am. I don't know if I would like to be short or not its hard to say with all the things I like and hate about both of them I could go either way.

What if sleeping was bad for you. If sleeping was bad you honestly think there would be a lot more health people in the world. I know for me I have  problem sleeping as it is so not sleeping would be a great thing for me. I know that their are some people that it would be horrible for like people with that do nothing but sleep. I also think that a lot more things would be done in the world. But with it being bad for you would you still need it to keep your body working or would you have a continues energy source that's something to think about. Would he have to find some other way for us to keep the body going without it being bad for the body.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is fear? It is something that is different to everyone. Some people is it a challenge other see it as something to run from. I think that everyone has a fear of some kind it could be as little as a bug to being alone in the world. One of my biggest fears is not being able to find someone to spend my life with. I know that I have lots of friends and I will always have my family but I really want just that one person that I spend my whole life with and never have to hide who and what I am. I can always be honest with that person never in fear of what they might say or do. Having that feeling of belonging. When you have that someone you always have a drive to be better and to get better no matter what. Sometimes I feel that a lot of people take that for granted and to see what they have and how good it is til they close it then its to late to get it back. Some of them will never find it again and I don't think that they should. I think that everyone has just that one person that will make them complete and aster that person it gone you may ever find that feeling again.

Family what does it mean to you? Family to me is more then just the people that you share blood with it is also the people that is important to you in some way. I have my blood family that I love with all my heart and that will always be there for me no matter what happens in life. I have learned that is not always the case hen I come out of the closet to my family a lot of my family stopped taking to me. That hurt a lot but that is when I learned that blood does not make you family its the way and how you feel for someone. I have a few friends in my life that are more my family then anyone else in the world. They have always been by my side not matter what it was and helped me up the hill when I needed it with no ? asked. Sometimes the people in your life re there for a reason even if you don't know why yet. Just remember family is what you make it not what the family makes you.

Blood for some reason its something that I have always been drown to as along as I can remember. As I was growing up I wanted to be a blood spatter guy. I wanted to be able to walk into a crime since and till you what happened just from looking at the blood spatter. I started in high school working towards the goal of going to school for that. I took a job at the hospital working in the morege it was a great job and got to see all kinds of cool and sometimes wired things. After school I went off to college to start my schooling to work in a CSI office. It was great I loved it. I learned all this cool stuff about blood how it moves and works, about what weapons cuz what kind of wounds and how deep someone is staged just from the kind off blood is round the wound. It was going great I loved ever min it off it.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Baby Sitting

So my older bother would baby sit me and my sister when we were growing up. There is this one time that I will never forget and it was the last time my brother ever watched us again. I was 8 and my sister was 5. We were doing nothing wrong but just be there my brother was mad cause he had to watch us last min and he wanted to go out with his friends. So a little bit after my parents left my brother asked us if we want to play a game we said yes. We were going to be bad guys and my brother was going to be the super hero and he ducked taped us to the bedroom wall and left us there. The bad thing about that was that my parents came home before he did and it was not pretty when he got home.

My Sister

My sister is sometimes to funny for words. I thing that I will always remember is the day I got a call from her. She was upset and going crazy on the phone saying something was in her living room and she needed help. My I was freaking out I had no clue what was going on. When I got to her place the door was locked and I called her she said she was stuck in the bathroom. So I broke her door in and ran to the bathroom to see what was wrong and when I opened the door I will never forget what she said "Did you kill the wasp ". I just started to laugh so hard that I almost peed my pants. I have never seen someone that is so afraid of insets as her. One time she sit in her car for over a hour because there was a spider on her door and she did not want it to get on here. Last summer she racked a car cause there was a bee flying around in the car. For Halloween one year I played a prank on her. As she was in bed I want into her room and cover her and the bed in fake spiders and web. When she awake she freaked out so bad that she broke down her own bedroom door to get out of the room. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen watching her run around the house.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


So for a assessment on English we had to take the Jung Typology test. I found out that I'm a ISFP it mean Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. I found a lot of it to be true about myself but I would have not seen myself as a Introversion. As for the point of the assessment we needed to look at how this goes with how we writing. I found that is right on I'm great at doing descriptive writing. when I do other types I tend to get sucked into gathering way to information and have a problem with sorting it out. I know that is something I need to work been trying to but it's a lot harder then I thought it would be. Everything else about the test was a lot closer to the type of person I'm  then I know myself. I think I'm going to take the full test just to find out everything I can.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My first Blog

So this is my first time using a blog. I had to make this for my English class but I been thinking about using one for some time now. I going to use this as a way to share my life with other and the things I enjoy in life from family, music to cooking and wines. I hope everyone enjoys my blog and let me know what you think.