Friday, January 31, 2014

What if

What if.....
I was a girl
I was short
The world was flat
I could fly
I had a million dollars
Everyone had to dress the same
Cars would drive themselves
You could controls someone's mind
All states had the same laws
Animals could talk
There was no waste
You did not have to eat
You never aged after 21
You could shapeshift
You always had a 100 in your pocket

What if animals could talk? What a world that would be. You would never have any quite time ever again. You could ever do anything in front of your pets that you don't want anyone to know about. Having to watch what you say all the time. But sometimes it would be great you could always know what's going on when u are not around and who is talking about you or who is doing why they should not be doing. I think it would be really cool it hear what some people do when they think no one is around, like my mother I would over to hear what hear bird would be saying if it could talk cause she is a little on the crazy size. I also think it would be cool to go out into the woods and see what all the animals really talk about. Just think about what would the squeals be yelling when they are fighting or do all they think about is nuts and more nuts. What about that bird that is always singing what could they be singing about.

What if I was short? That would make things so easy for me. I would be able to get cloths anywhere I wanted it won't be so hard to find shoes. I would not have the back problems that I have now. It would be so nice to have to worry about a car being to small. But on the other hand their are things that I would not be able to do like right now I can get anything down from  the shelf at the store. I don't get lost in the crowed people can always see me. I would not be as different as I am. I don't know if I would like to be short or not its hard to say with all the things I like and hate about both of them I could go either way.

What if sleeping was bad for you. If sleeping was bad you honestly think there would be a lot more health people in the world. I know for me I have  problem sleeping as it is so not sleeping would be a great thing for me. I know that their are some people that it would be horrible for like people with that do nothing but sleep. I also think that a lot more things would be done in the world. But with it being bad for you would you still need it to keep your body working or would you have a continues energy source that's something to think about. Would he have to find some other way for us to keep the body going without it being bad for the body.

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